3 Times When Estate Executors Should Order A Home Inspection

As the executor of an estate, you bear responsibility for the condition and disposition of any real estate in the estate. For most executors, this means preparing for the sale of that property by determining the real value of it. Can a home inspection help you do this? The answer depends on a few factors, but it can be a good idea to order one on behalf of the estate. Here are some situations when that may be a smart move. 

1. When There May Be Problems

Executors sometimes face challenges taking charge of a home when they know nothing about its maintenance and upkeep.

If you have reason to believe that the property wasn't properly maintained or hasn't been lived in for some time, a home inspection can help an executor understand its true condition and make informed decisions. Because buyers will generally order an inspection of their own, you do well to find serious problems before they pop up after a buyer shows interest. 

2. When an Heir Wants to Buy It

In an estate with multiple heirs receiving portions of a single property, one heir often wants to buy out the others. A home inspection can, in this situation, help the executor set an appropriate value for the property, avoid sweetheart deals, and ensure transparency among all heirs. Because inheritance conflicts can lead to family drama, being open about the home's condition and the sale price heads off later trouble. 

3. When Heirs Aren't In Agreement

Valuing and selling property of a loved one can cause disagreements among beneficiaries. To minimize potential legal or emotional fights, it's good to have as many outside, independent professionals involved in key aspects.

A home inspector is an impartial third party who will not be swayed by sentimental attachments and who has no agenda other than working for the estate that hired them. Their inspection, coupled with outside appraisals and independent realtor findings, can help get everyone on the same page. 

Where to Learn More

Want to know more about home inspection services for estates? Whether you suspect the home may not be in the best condition or you want to reassure all stakeholders that your decisions are in the estate's best interests, start by meeting with a home inspector in your area. With their experience working with many properties, you can get the type of inspection you need to be the best fiduciary you can be. Call today to make an appointment. 
